How to Offer Emotional Support For Mental Health?

Poor mental health can impact a person’s way of thinking and behavior. It can manifest in forms like mood disorders, anxiety, and substance use disorders. Traumatic episodes, chronic stress, and social or environmental factors may contribute. In such situations, offering emotional support is a crucial step. It assures long-term emotional resilience.When you offer emotional support to somebody, there are many things involved. You may ask specific questions and listen carefully to the person in question. People can be supportive to others by giving reassurance and showing compassion. 

Being supportive is an inherent skill that is not present in everybody. However, there are certain ways to develop this skill. You may need some practice and will be ready to offer quality emotional support to your closest one. This write-up covers how to provide emotional support for mental health challenges. Read further to learn more. Before we bump into that, let us talk about the different types of support for mental health

Types of Support For Mental Health

Various types of support can help with mental health conditions. Some of the most common ones are:


Psychotherapy from a mental health expert can also help deal with the signs of mental health problems. One type of psychotherapy that is quite common is cognitive behavioral therapy. This therapy can help alter negative thoughts and behaviors in a person.


Medications prescribed by medical experts can aid with several mental health conditions. Some of the best examples of such medications are antipsychotic and mood-stabilizing medicines.

Support Groups

A fantastic strategy to deal with mental health challenges is to join support groups. Support groups provide a structured setting to share experiences, gain insights, and learn how to cope. In addition, you can learn to make connections and friendships, and how to live a better life.

Alternative Therapies

Alternative therapies like yoga, acupuncture, meditation, or massage can also help in treating various mental disorders. But consult your healthcare provider before you go for any of these therapies.

What Should You Do to Give Emotional Support?  

Emotional support is among the various types of support for mental health. It entails the provision of empathy and understanding to a person who is going through psychological trauma. Feelings of loneliness and isolation are common in those with mental health issues. When someone feels understood and cared for, it can cut these feelings.

Here is everything you can do to be emotionally supportive towards someone dealing with psychological challenges: 

Ask Questions

Start by asking certain questions. This can be the first step when you think of offering emotional support to someone. But you should be mindful of what you are asking the other person.

You may like to ask- “How can I support you?” This can be a good start, but it might not always be effective. So, you can try a different approach, depending on the situation and the person’s state of mind. Ask questions like:

  • “Is everything alright? You seem a bit upset today; want to share?
  • “I know you’ve been going through a hectic week. Can we talk for a while?

There might also be situations when your loved one has undergone hard times, and you don’t know how to start a conversation. You can start by asking how things are going in your life.

Ask open-ended questions. Avoid questions that can be answered with “yes” or “no.” This will help you learn more about the person’s life and provide adequate support. 


The other way to provide emotional support for mental health is to be a good listener. Asking questions will not be enough. Try listening empathically to whatever the person is saying.

When you listen to anybody with full attention, the person believes that you are showing interest in their life. Here is what you should do:

  • Turn your body towards the person when he or she is speaking. Relax your face and keep your arms and legs uncrossed.
  • Do not use your phone or think of anything else when they say something. Doing so would create distractions throughout the conversation.
  • Ask to clarify when you are not getting the person or unable to understand something.
  • Summarize what they have said to show that you understand their situation well. 

Don’t Be Judgmental

Every person has experienced feeling judged at least once in life. If your loved one is going through a hard time, they may have already felt the internal struggle of self-judgment.

Be it any situation, when seeking support, most people do not like receiving criticism—even if it’s positive and well-meaning. While you support your dearest one, keep your opinions on what they should have done or where they were wrong.

Do not ask questions that you believe they may construe as judgmental or blaming. For instance: “What made them become upset with you?” 

Build Them Up

Rejection or failure can make somebody feel down and doubt their personality. Sometimes, you might find your loved one feeling low. They may be undergoing feelings of self-doubt. So, what should we do in this situation? Giving them a sincere compliment can work in improving their outlook. Keep the following in mind when giving them complements:

  • Keep your complements relevant

In such circumstances, you can remind a friend who is distressed about a mistake at work about their constant track record of success.

  • Give compliments emphasizing particular strengths

Do not just say- “you are so thoughtful.” Instead, mention what makes your loved one thoughtful in your compliment. Also, express your appreciation for their thoughtfulness.

  • Avoid praising in excess

A thoughtful compliment may boost someone’s emotional state. But, overdoing it may lead them to feel disbelieving or uncomfortable, even if your intentions are genuine. 

Physical Affection

This may not be suitable in every situation, but you can consider physical affection. Based on your rapport with the person you are supporting, holding hands, giving hugs, or other intimate actions can have a positive impact.

Hold the person’s hand as they undergo pain or get any unpleasant news. This can help them be strong.

You can hug the person you are supporting following a difficult conversation. This can reinforce the emotional support you offer. Cuddling can also help in emotional healing, making the person feel comfortable and reassured.

Besides interpersonal support strategies, emotional support animals (ESAs) play a crucial role in offering mental health benefits. Emotional support animals are designated companions. They offer special support through their unconditional love, companionship, and calming presence.

About Emotional Support Animals

Emotional support animals are companion animals or pets that offer emotional support to those experiencing psychological conditions. They are meant to offer emotional support and companionship through their presence.

Moreover, emotional support animals do not need to undergo any special training. These can be dogs or cats, the most common animals.

They are often recommended by experts to those who are suffering from any mental health problem. The main motto is to ease their problems by the presence of an animal. Research has also shown that the companionship of a pet lessens depression, anxiety, and other related disorders.

Emotional Support Animal Benefits For Mental Health

Animals or pets give unconditional love, joy, and companionship. They can also offer emotional support to those with mental health problems. These animals are called emotional support animals or ESAs.

The support from ESAs can help lessen depression, anxiety, and other related issues to some extent. Also, as per research, animals can offer significant mental health benefits.

Let us learn in-depth about why a person goes for an emotional support animal.

Trauma Support

Animals can provide unmatched comfort to those experiencing hardships. They can also make someone who is going through trauma feel comfortable.

Minimal Anxiety

When you pet an animal, you can enjoy a relaxed environment and an elevated mood. So, you won’t have to feel any stress or anxiety when you have your furry friend around you.

Reciprocal Care and Love

People undergoing trauma or hardships can get a sense of purpose with an emotional support animal. Besides offering unconditional love and companionship, animals also need love and care in return. This creates a mutually satisfying relationship.

Better Physical Health

Many studies have found that emotional support animals can help improve health issues such as high blood pressure, pain, and respiratory problems.


Active listening, empathy, and unconditional acceptance are all essential for adequate emotional support. Understanding your loved one’s feelings can enhance their emotional wellness. Incorporating professional help, medications, and therapy can also be helpful. 

Emotional support animals are also one of the types of support for mental health individuals can prefer. They offer a range of benefits, including reduced stress and anxiety and improved physical health.  

Seeking expert advice on emotional support for mental health? Reach out to Alnicor Consulting. We have the best experts to offer the most appropriate guidance on emotional support for mothers, children, and older adults. So, why are you still waiting? Reach out to us to start your journey towards emotional stability and optimal quality of life.

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