As we delve into the write-up, we have to explore the heartfelt ways—how to emotionally support a new mother. From knowing what challenges she experiences to understanding the importance of providing emotional support and learning the ways to do so. This write-up covers everything you need to know.
Challenges Faced by a New Mother
After having a baby, mothers often feel overwhelmed and emotional. They struggle with hormonal changes, exhaustion, and a feeling of isolation. However, they still try to be brave in front of their family and friends. Being a mom comes with many challenges. Let us discuss some of them:
You Feel Sore
Giving birth can be a challenging task for a mom’s body. It is common for new moms to experience swelling, stitches, or hemorrhoids from a c-section or vaginal tear. While it can be overwhelming, you will recover with time. To relieve the discomfort, you can try using hazel pads, ice packs, and a Peri bottle. Remember that your body needs time to heal, so focus more on getting good nutrition and rest. Do not feel shy to ask your partner, family, or friends to help you with the baby and other daily chores so you don’t feel alone. It is important that you do not push yourself harder.
You Feel Sleep-Deprived
Everyone tells you that you are not sleeping, and they are not lying. During the first few weeks, the baby will spend their time eating all day and night, about every two hours. This will make you wake up constantly. Just when you are just going to sleep, your baby will cry and need to be fed again. Be prepared for extreme exhaustion—this is not the usual tiredness from staying up late. This frustration can cause mood swings, headaches, confusion, and forgetfulness. So, how do you cope with this problem? The best advice is when you can take the chance and sleep. You can get help from your family members and friends so that you can take a quick nap. In addition, you start doing meditation, which will provide you with relaxation.
Read Also:- How To Provide Emotional Support For New Parents?
You Face Hormonal Changes
Getting ready to give birth is a big deal, but they have to face that emotional rollercoaster after giving birth is unexpected. After giving birth, the hormonal levels significantly drop, which can make you feel sad or you face mood swings. This is known as “baby blues”. Additionally, this affects around 80 percent of new moms. On the other hand, lack of sleep can make things feel even more challenging. It is important that you get help from your friends and family during this challenging time.
However, if you find yourself feeling very anxious, low, or not interested in things for more than a few weeks, it may be that you are experiencing postpartum depression. If this is the case, then you should talk to your healthcare professional and discuss your problems with them.
You Feel Not Like You
Many new moms are shocked to see them in the mirror when they still look pregnant after the delivery. As per LaCoursiere, it would be best if the woman brought the maternity clothes to wear home from the hospital because when they leave, they will look around and fall seven months pregnant. Remember that your body took a whole 9 months to create a baby, so postpartum recovery will take time. Instead of not liking your body, focus on the things that you have now become a mom. You have brought a new little one into this world!
Breastfeeding Can Be Difficult
If you have decided to breastfeed, you might have to face some challenges like cracked or sore nipples, the baby not latching properly, or not producing enough milk. It seems like it is easy to breastfeed, but it can be a daunting task. Here is the good news: You can get help! If you get early help, it can help you prevent bigger problems later. Consider getting assistance from the lactation consultant or a hospital’s support center.
Baby Still Feels Stranger
Now you have a little one in your life who resembles you, makes a mess, and sleeps a lot. You might feel that there is still time to connect with each other, or you may not feel connected yet, but that is normal! Bonding does not happen just right away, and it takes time. We all know babies don’t smile right away; they may feel like they are not bonding with each other. Just focus on providing the baby with basic needs like warmth, food, and sleep. To build a connection with the baby, you can hold them up, sing songs for them, make eye contact, read for them, and have a skin-to-skin connection. This way, you will connect with them over time.
Feeling Alone
The time you have given birth, you may feel alone, especially if you have become a mother for the first time, and adjusting to this new part can be difficult. Taking help from a healthcare professional is important. Talk to other moms who are going through the same situation.
Moreover, you can also join a parent meet-up group or talk to other parents. However, it is not possible to leave the home; you can also take online sessions.
Why Support Matters During Motherhood
As a new mom, it can be both overwhelming and exciting at the same time. It is a unique experience that every woman faces once in their life. But here, the one common thing is that they need strong support in this crucial journey. A support system includes friends, family, professional healthcare providers, and other new moms who provide advice, guidance, and emotional support. Understanding how to support a new mother is important, as it can significantly make a big difference in her journey. In addition, having emotional support can provide several benefits. Below are some of the important ones.
Help Reduce Postpartum Depression
Postpartum depression is a common condition that affects many new mothers. However, if you are someone who is getting the postpartum support system, it can help reduce the risk of getting the condition severely. According to the studies, it has been seen that new mothers who have a strong support system may have less chance of experiencing postpartum depression compared to those who do not.
Reduce the Feeling of Isolation
Talking to other moms who have gone through a similar situation can significantly reduce the feeling of isolation for new moms. It can be isolating for those who have become a new mom, especially if you are unfamiliar with the things. However, when you talk to the mothers who have gone through the situation or are going through it, you can find social support and comfort through talking to them.
Help Enhance Self-Esteem
Becoming a new mom is a challenging situation that can sometimes affect the self-esteem of women. However, if she has a good support system, it can help boost their material self-esteem.
When the woman is surrounded by people who offer her praise, support, and encouragement, she is more likely to feel confident as a mother.
Foster Parental Bonding
Having a support system can also help with the foster-parental bond. When the mother is around people who are caring and supportive, she will be more likely to feel connected with the baby and enjoy the phase of the motherhood journey. This helps to make the bond between the parent and the child strong.
Introduction of Healthy Habits
Having a support system also plays an important role in promoting healthy habits in the new mother’s life. This includes hydration, proper nutrition, and exercise. You have someone who is exercising with you or helping to prepare healthy meals to help maintain a healthy habit.
Moreover, emotional support also promotes mental well-being and helps eliminate stress, which provides a positive impact on physical health.
Ideal Ways to Emotionally Support a New Mom
When you welcome the baby into the world, the new mom will experience a rollercoaster of emotions- full of happiness, exhaustion, frustration, love, and more. While every mom has unique needs as they step into this new role in life, knowing how to emotionally support a new mother is essential. Here are the ways how you can emotionally support a new mother:
Ask About Her Needs
In the early newborn days, a mother experiences millions of thoughts in their head- and it is nearly impossible to find what she might be thinking or going through.
A simple question you must ask her- “What do you need at the moment”? There might be various answers to this question.
- A shower
- A break from holding the baby
- Some fresh air
- A good sleep
- Time of completing daily chores
- … The list goes on
There is a chance she will answer nothing and will be grateful that you have asked her to provide support.
If a Task Is Important, Then Do It
It is important for the partner to take on the tasks equally, like changing the diapers, holding the baby when they are crying, or doing household chores. This includes (laundry, dishes, tidying up, and more! When you do work without asking her, it shows that you both are together on a challenging journey. Even if you engage in the smallest job, it will make her feel relaxed.
Tell Her How Well She Is Handling Everything
Being a new parent can feel like you have been riding on a rollercoaster. In one moment, you might feel everything is fine, and in the next, you might feel you are struggling a lot. Keep reminding her that everything is good and that you are doing an incredible job, and boost her confidence as a new mother.
Keep the Support Coming
The postpartum period, which is mostly known as the fourth trimester, is a long stage of life. Ensure that you keep checking on her and offer her support even in the initial days of motherhood. She may feel isolated with the baby at home, and at this time, making her feel that you are not alone is important.
It is easy to support a new mother from a distance, like making phone and video calls or sending her small gifts- it can make her hard, say, a better one. If she does not pick up the calls or text back quickly, that may mean she is going through a lot. Do not assume she is uninterested in communicating—she may be busy with other tasks. Try to call her again.
Encourage Her to Connect With Other Mothers
Emotional support from the partner, family, and friends is important. However, sometimes, there can be nothing better than talking to another new mom who is going through the same thing. In addition, you can also join the new mom support groups where you can share your stories, tips, and frustrations with the new mamas.
In Closure
We hope this write-up has provided you with valuable insights on how to emotionally support a new mother. The journey of the new mom is both beautiful and challenging, and providing her support can make her motherhood journey easy. Remember that your understanding, encouragement, and presence can play a significant role in her life.
If you are seeking a professional nurse who can assist you in the new mother journey, count on Alnicor Consulting! When you connect with us, you can find the best babysitter or caregiver to rebuild your and baby’s strength. In addition, we also provide online support sessions via email, phone, and video call to ensure that you receive the perfect emotional support. To learn more about how we assist you, visit our website and explore our services.