Why Do We Need Emotional Support? How to Give & Receive it?

It goes without saying, but life is unpredictable. There can be excitement, but sometimes, life can bring a whirlwind of loneliness and emptiness. These moments can make you feel from the inside that something is missing.Our hectic schedules, including jobs, childcare, and house responsibilities, have overwhelmed our lives. The recent pandemic might also be responsible for turning our lives upside down.

Nothing can be more comforting than emotional support in times of hardship. Sharing your feelings with a person who understands and receiving the same empathy in return seems so satisfying.

Giving and receiving emotional support is an understanding approach that helps individuals deal with their difficulties or illness. When the care receiver talks about their anxieties and fears, the caregiver provides comfort and empowers them to better care for themselves.

What is emotional support in a relationship? Why do we need it, and how do we provide it? Let us understand through this write-up. Read on!

Emotional Support: A Short Overview

The true definition of a support system is having some people around to give practical and emotional support. When you have such people to care for, you can see an improvement in your health and reduced anxiety.

When you give emotional support to someone, you are showing care and compassion for the person. For example, you may help the person facing hardships by calling therapy or hugging him or her.

It does not end here. Whether you are offering support or at the receiving end, you should value the other person, respect them, and be nonjudgmental about their feelings or perspectives.

Why Need Emotional Support?

There may be several reasons emotional support plays a crucial part in your life. Here is why you need emotional support:

Healthy Relationship

Emotional support can help build trust and intimacy within your relationships. It may help you feel more connected and less lonely. When you know that there is somebody to listen to and motivate, you can ensure comfort during hard times. Over time, you can establish a more meaningful connection.


Lack of emotional support in a relationship can make you feel hopeless or worthless. Such a situation can be difficult, and you might not be able to look after yourself properly. Getting emotional support can promote self-care.


Emotional support can also help motivate you and build your self-confidence. You can then continue with your everyday tasks or favorite hobbies.

Benefits of Emotional Support

Emotional support can help in many ways. Below are some of the top benefits of giving and receiving emotional support:

Strengthened Relationship

People who give support often receive more support in return. This might be because of the fulfillment they feel after helping their loved ones or they may be in a meaningful relationship. Through genuine interactions and showing compassion, the caregivers contribute greatly to the other person’s emotional stability and happiness.

Improved Mental Health

When you give emotional support, you help that person handle their emotions and experiences and improve their overall mental health. The person can also feel less stressed and alone, knowing they have someone to rely on.

Positive Impact

The unprompted or unexpected check-ins often encourage people to adopt healthier behaviors. For instance, a spouse may return home from work and encourage their husband or wife to eat something healthy. Similarly, a friend may encourage another friend to join a gym or a yoga class.

A Sense of Community

Loneliness can worsen the mental health of a person. This can be scary, and it might result in vulnerable moments.

Emotional support can help build a sense of community and strengthen social connections. It lets the person reconnect to the outside world, meet new people, and interact.

Better Self-Esteem

By having reliable people for emotional support, the person in need can feel better about himself/herself. A strong support system can help with better self-esteem and a sense of independence.

How to Ask For Emotional Support?

Asking for support from your loved one seems like a big challenge. This is especially true when you want to maintain relationships with loved ones.

When you need it the most, you should look for the best ways to ask for emotional support. Here are a few of them:

Make a Visit

Take time from your busy schedule to visit your loved ones. Visit at least once a day. Ask yourself what kind of support you want. It can be emotional, financial, community, or just a sense of connection with family or friends.

Do Not Overthink

No need to feel shy, afraid, guilty, or low self-esteem when asking for support. Keep all the unreasonable beliefs out of your mind; for example- seeking help is a sign of weakness. All these thoughts may hold you back from getting the support you deserve.

Show Gratitude

Show your gratitude for the emotional support you received from your loved ones. Thank them for the precious time and love they have given looking after you. Tell them whatever they did for you was really helpful. This acknowledgment may strengthen your bond and make you feel more appreciative and connected to your support system.

Consider Reciprocity

You must also think of how you might be able to offer this person emotional support in the future. Remember, relationships are built on mutual support, and being there for your loved ones when they need you will create a more robust connection. This sense of responsibility and commitment will strengthen your relationships.


Asking for the support you need is an important life practice. Facilitate this practice deliberately, and make it a regular part of your interactions with others.

Recognize Your Support Resources

Recognizing who in your support system can give this type of support is also vital. If you do not have anyone available, consider other options such as therapy, counseling, or support groups. Moreover, you can reach out to people in your life to help you connect with those who can support you.

How to Show Emotional Support?

Every individual needs emotional support. But, it may be difficult to know how to provide it. There are certain ways to offer support appropriately. Here is how you can be emotionally supportive:

Listen and Show Empathy

When you talk to someone, you must know how they feel. Remember the particular words that they use to describe their feelings. Further, you need to know that people react differently in similar situations, so you must try to understand their point of view.

Ask Them About Their Needs

By asking them what they need, you let the person be in control of the kind of aid they receive. Maybe the person wants to talk, or they want advice or financial support. They might even want a distraction and to change the topic of conversation.

Do Not Judge or Interrupt

When there is somebody to listen to, the person feels supported. But while conversing with them, you must avoid telling them how they should feel. You must also avoid arguing against their way of thinking or diminishing the harshness of their issues.

Show Honesty

Always be honest with the person you are looking after. Even when they are unsure how to react to negative news or tough feelings, you can offer support.


It would be wise to summarize or recapitulate what they have said. This shows understanding between you and your loved one.

Mistakes That You Should Avoid

It may take time to learn how to give and receive emotional support. Moreover, there are certain mistakes that you need to know. A few of them are as follows:

Minimizing The Problem

People often make the mistake of telling the person that their problem is not too big compared to others. Doing so can make the person feel guilty about themselves. You must know that people are affected differently in various situations.

Telling The Person How to Feel

Human beings have various emotions, including strong emotions. It can be scary to hear somebody conversing about how overwhelming theirs are, but this doesn’t make the emotions or feelings bad. The mistake that people often make is telling the distressed person to change their behavior or think positively. You should avoid doing that, or else this may negate your loved one’s feelings.

Getting Annoyed

Sometimes, people treat distress as a discipline issue or a personality failure. For instance, a parent might get annoyed with their child when they do not behave properly. Showing annoyance, telling someone to “get over it,” and similar reactions will likely worsen things.

Rushing The Conversation

When you know you have ample time to offer support, you shouldn’t rush through the conversation. Rushing conversation can make the person feel unimportant. Instead, you can say- “I want to talk to you, but I have an important meeting I cannot miss. Can we catch up after that?”

Saying- I Know How You Feel

You might know the other person’s feelings even before starting a conversation. But only make this assumption after you hear from them directly. Claiming to understand before truly understanding the person’s viewpoint can make them feel less valued.

To Sum Up

Emotional support is a beacon of hope, guiding people to the realization that they are not alone in their journey. Knowing there is always someone for them can bring a profound sense of relief. Offering this hope to your loved ones can improve their health and behaviors.

Both the person giving and receiving support should have realistic expectations about what emotional support can achieve and what it can’t. Emotional support can aid a person who is facing a difficult time. This person may be stressed, alone, or suffering from any chronic condition. The responsibility of a supporter is to make the other person feel calm and motivated and provide practical solutions to their problems. More importantly, they should make them feel heard and valued, respecting their unique experiences and feelings.

Alnicor Consulting is a reputable consultation service you can vouch for when you need emotional support. We understand the feelings of depression, anxiety, and isolation. So, we have experts who can help you cope with your situation in the best way possible. Let us fulfill all your emotional needs. Schedule your appointment with us today. Get ready to enjoy a supportive network!

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